Wed, Jun 15, 2011
Some of my favorite photographers on the planet, would be Sean and Melanie McLellan. If you have the chance to meet them, they’re warm folks with a passion for photography and people. Their work has taken them around the world. Here’s a few of my favorite shots garnered from
their blog.
I liked this shot because of the effect caused by the light. The bride and groom are positioned in front of a mural with a speedlight behind them. At first glance, the image looks unique because it appears as if the light is coming from the mural.

One of the other things I like about their work, is the way they use lines in their compositions. In this shot strong lines are established by the train tracks, the subject’s position on them and lastly their adjoining hands.

Such a simple shot, but so well executed. It’s nothing more than the tack sharp focus on the groom’s face as he sees his bride being walked towards him. This shot is about impact and fast skills. Remember, there are plenty of great moments happening outside the attention we often pay exclusively to the bride and groom.

In this shot, again they’re using lines. The frame of the door behind the model grabs your eye and helps drive it right in on the center subject. The flowing dress breaks the linear shape and draws the eye down and to the left.
This shot is a great example of what you can get with a little play and creativity. The story on the blog says the bride found their fun location–an old prison. Using the rope ties into the theme of captivity and establishes lines and texture in the image. This is such a fun series, definitely check it out on their blog.
Big thanks to Sean and Melanie McLellan for letting us show off some of their awesome work. Check out more of their awesome work on
their blog and follow them on
About Timothy John
Timothy John has written 21 articles on this blog.
Tim is the Fundy SOS marketing ninja. He loves life in Hollywood, CA where he enjoys fresh organic foods, running and studying improv comedy every chance he gets.